The ICE (Ions in Coincidence with Electrons) end station is a mobile end station that is designed to be compatible with a number of MAX IV LDM-relevant beamlines. By using a combination of multi-coincidence and momentum imaging techniques along with the linearly/circularly/elliptically polarized soft x-rays delivered by the beamlines, it will be possible to investigate photo-induced reactions and to obtain kinematic information on specific dissociation channels of gas phase molecules and clusters – affording insight into the interplay between competing decay processes, the role of nuclear motion in a decay process, charge transfer processes and the relevant time-scales involved.

The ICE REMI (REaction MIcroscope) is available to general users.

Single-bunch operation: There will be a 1 week of single-bunch operation during the Fall Term 2023. When applying for a beamtime with single-bunch operation, indicate this clearly in your beamtime proposal. For more information please contact Noelle Walsh (

Experimental chamber

Geometry & materialsCAMP – type vacuum chamber
316LN ESR stainless steel
Base pressure5⋅10-9-1⋅10-8mbar
Sample delivery systemsExternal: Molecular Jet/Cluster source (refer to 'LDM Sample Delivery Systems' for more information)
Beam size at sample
(at FlexPES)
Defocused (h x v): up to 2 x 1.5 mm
Focused (h x v): 75 x 15 μm; further reduction in size is possible with baffles (at the cost of flux)
Compatible beamlinesFlexPES (currently installed at FlexPES). Further possibilities: Veritas, FinEstBeAMS (please direct enquiries to N. Walsh)
ICE spectrometersREMI: Reaction Microscope spectrometer (see below for further details)

REMI spectrometer

Max operating pressure1⋅10-6mbar
DescriptionRoentDek spectrometer
Adjustable in length and electrostatic field geometry
Maximum length: 1 m.
Current length: 1m
ModesCOLTRIMS(first general user call Fall 2022)
- Requires single-bunch mode;
- Static E-fields : a few V/cm
- B-field (with Helmholtz coils): see below
High field/lens mode (first general user call Fall 2022)
- Single Bunch/Multi-bunch mode;
- Static E-fields : some 100’s V/cm
- no B field
Max KE’s anticipated by manufacturer (dependent on geometry of spectrometer) RIMS
- Electrons: 100 eV
- Ions: at least 10 eV
High field mode
- Electrons: 15 eV
- Ions (+1 or -1): 10 eV
KE's measured with current setupRIMS
- Electrons: at least 40 eV (to be updated soon)
- Ions: 10 eV
High field mode
- Electrons: 15 eV
- Ions (+1 or -1): 10 eV
Magnetic FieldHelmholtz coils (uncooled)
Maximum recommended B-field : 0.5 mT (higher B fields can be generated with the coils)
Detectors2 x HEX 100 – 75 detectors (100 mm HEX delay lines and 75 mm MCP’s OAR 70%)
Electronics8-channel fast timing amplifier unit for detector signals, FAMP 8
fADC4/10-4: 10-bit flash ADC system for advanced multi-hit readout of HEX detectors (with PC via PCIe) and associated software
SoftwareCobold PC

TANGO for TIY scans etc
Data format.lmf
HDF5 xyt format
Compatible BL’sFlexPES. Further possiblities: FinEstBeAMS, Veritas (please contact N. Walsh with enquiries)