Science Initiatives
Specifications for Balder
Balder is a multimodal beamline dedicated to hard X-ray spectroscopy (XAS & XES), with XRD and XRF as secondary techniques (XAS must be included in all proposals). Interchangeable sample environments; in operando cells with gases, liquid cells, cryostat, furnaces, etc.
Specifications for BioMAX
BioMAX is optimised for Macromolecular Crystallography experiments. The beamline is highly automated, in terms of both sample handling hardware and data analysis, including feedback on the data collection.
Specifications for Bloch
The Bloch beamline is dedicated to high resolution angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) for studying the electronic structure of surfaces and 2D materials. The A-branch endstation is in regular operation, and the B-branch (featuring spin-resolved ARPES) is currently in commissioning.
Specifications for CoSAXS
CoSAXS is a state-of-the-art Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) instrument, which also uses MAX IV’s high coherence 3 GeV ring for X-ray Photon Correlation (XPCS). The performance is complemented by an exceptional pool of sample environments.
Specifications for DanMAX
DanMAX is a materials science beamline, dedicated to in situ and operando experiments on real materials. The beamline currently offers a flexible PXRD instrument and an X-ray beam energy from 15–35 keV. Two additional instruments are under construction; a full field imaging instrument and high resolution powder X-ray diffraction instrument.
Specifications for FemtoMAX
FemtoMAX is a beamline designed for ultrafast laser pump/x-ray probe experiments with a 200 fs time resolution. The beamline offers GIXS, WAXS and SAXS scattering geometries and cryocooling/heating in vacuum between 20K-500 K. Equipped with a Pilatus time-over threshold photon counting detector. Laser pump wavelengths 266-2000 nm and THz excitation generated in organic crystals is available.
Specifications for FinEstBeAMS
FinEstBeAMS is an UV and soft X-ray beamline enabling research in (i) photoluminescence spectroscopy of inorganic materials, (ii) photoelectron and X-ray absorption spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces, and (iii) electron and ion spectroscopy of gaseous samples.
Specifications for FlexPES
The FlexPES (Flexible PhotoElectron Spectroscopy) beamline caters for the experimental needs of both Surface/Material Science and Low Density Matter user communities by enabling a variety of photoemission and soft X-ray absorption experiments. With the two-branch configuration and twin refocusing mirrors up to four endstations can be accommodated, with different focusing conditions.
Specifications for ForMAX
Multiscale structural characterization from nm to mm length scales by combined full-field imaging and scattering experiments.
Specifications for HIPPIE
APXPS in the range 260 eV – 2000 eV for studies of interfaces between solids, liquids, and gases.
Specifications for MAXPEEM
MAXPEEM is a photoelectron microscopy beamline equipped with the aberration correction spectroscopic photoemission and low energy electron microscope (AC-SPELEEM). It offers unique possibilities for extracting simultaneously elemental, chemical, magnetic and electronic information at single digit nanometer spatial resolution to users from a wide area of research fields.
Specifications for MicroMAX
MicroMAX is a macromolecular crystallography beamline with emphasis on serial crystallography and time-resolved methods. It is flexible both in terms of X-ray beam properties and experiment setup. Automated crystallography with a high-capacity sample changer will be available when opening for users in spring 2023 with different serial and time-resolved methods becoming available in parallel.
Specifications for NanoMAX
NanoMAX is a hard X-ray beamline for imaging and diffraction studies at the nanoscale. The instrument provides coherent and highly focused X-rays at its two endstations.
Specifications for SoftiMAX
SoftiMAX is a soft X-ray imaging beamline with two branch lines. The first branch line is open for users who want to study the morphology, chemical and/or magnetic states of compounds in their samples on a microscopic level (<100 nm). The branchline is set up for transmission measurements, requiring thin (0.1-2 micron) samples.
Specifications for SPECIES
SPECIES is a soft X-ray beamline for ambient pressure XPS (APXPS) and resonance inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments. The beamline offers a wide photon energy range (30-1500 eV) with different polarizations reaching even to the VUV range. For both endstations, multiple sample environments are offered.
Specifications for Veritas
Veritas is a high resolution Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering beamline for the soft X-ray region (250 – 1500 eV). The end-station is designed for high versatility with planned sample environments ranging from solids, in-situ and in-operandi conditions to gas-phase and liquids. The beamline also features an open port branch.
Specifications for the electron guns
The MAX IV linac serves two purposes: it’s a continuous top-up injector to both storage rings, but it also accelerates and compresses electron bunches for the short-pulse facility. The linac consists of two electron guns (a photo-rf gun for SPF pulses and a thermionic rf gun for storage ring injection), two bunch compressors, and 39 S-band accelerating structures along with their power stations (modulators, klystrons, SLED cavities). Two vertical transfer lines connect the linac with the two storage rings.
Specifications for guns and linear accelerator
The MAX IV linac serves two purposes: it’s a continuous top-up injector to both storage rings, but it also accelerates and compresses electron bunches for the short-pulse facility. The linac consists of two electron guns (a photo-rf gun for SPF pulses and a thermionic rf gun for storage ring injection), two bunch compressors, and 39 S-band accelerating structures along with their power stations (modulators, klystrons, SLED cavities). Two vertical transfer lines connect the linac with the two storage rings.
Specifications for the 1.5 GeV ring
The MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring is based on a compact double-bend achromat lattice for the production of bright soft x-ray and UV radiation. The storage ring is a redesigned and improved version of the decommissioned MAX II storage ring. The MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring has a circumference of 96 m, comprises 12 achromats (2 more than MAX II) of which 10 provide roughly 3.5 m straight sections for insertion devices (IDs). The compactness of the lattice is achieved by using the same magnet technology as in the 3 GeV storage ring where many smaller magnets are machined from common iron yokes. In addition, most magnets are combined-function type, i.e. the dipoles contain a vertically-focusing gradient and the horizontally-focusing quadrupoles contain a sextupole gradient.
Specifications for the 3 GeV ring
The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring is based on a novel multibend achromat lattice for the production of ultra-bright hard x-ray radiation. The storage ring has a circumference of 528 m, comprises 20 achromats, and provides 19 straight sections of roughly 5 m length for insertion devices. The ultra-low emittance is the result of the strong focusing provided by the multibend achromat lattice. A fully NEG-coated copper vacuum system and highly compact magnets machined from common iron yokes provide the technical basis for the realization of this optics. The 3 GeV storage ring is the workhorse of the MAX IV facility and was the world’s first multibend achromat light source.
Specifications for FragMAX
FragMAX Info here
Filter beamlines
CatalysisChemistryCultural HeritageEnvironmental ScienceGeochemistryLife ScienceMaterials Science
4 to 40 keV
BAG: Block Allocation Groups AccessFast AccessProprietary AccessStandard AccessTraining & Education
6-24 keV
BAG: Block Allocation Groups AccessFast AccessProprietary AccessStandard AccessTraining & Education
5-20 keV
Biological tissueBiomineralized materialsCatalysisChemistryEnergy MaterialsMaterials Science
In operando PXRD & PDFin-situ XRD & PDFmicroCTPDFphase-contrast imagingPXRDradiographyScanning X-Ray Diffraction ImagingTomographyTotal ScatteringXRD-CTXRFXTM
15-35 keV
AMO (LDM) ScienceAtmospheric ChemistryChemistryMaterials SciencePhysicsSurface Science
4.5-1300 eV 275-0.95 nm
AMO (LDM) ScienceAtmospheric ChemistryMaterials ScienceSurface Physics and Chemistry
43 – 1550 eV (28 – 0.8 nm)
2D MaterialsAtmospheric ChemistryCatalysisCorrosionElectrochemistryEnvironmental ChemistrySurface Science
260 eV – 2200 eV
Coherent ImagingNano-TomographyPtychographyScanning X-Ray Diffraction ImagingXRF
5-28 keV
ALDAtmospheric ChemistryCatalysisEnvironmental ScienceFundamental PhysicsMaterials SciencePhotocatalysisRedox ChemistrySurface Science
30-1500 eV