The PXRD2D and the tomography instruments are now in normal user operation. In parallel we are designing the HERDi (high resolution PXRD) instrument.
DanMAX is primarily funded through Danish sources, however, the beamline is accessible through the MAX IV general user program.
DanMAX User Group
Join the DanMAX User (Google) Group to join the discussions about e.g. data treatment, beamline developments, experimental ideas etc.:
Upcoming calls
DanMAX is a hard X-ray materials science beamline on the 3GeV ring at MAX IV. The photon energy available at DanMAX is 15-35 keV. In the upcoming call, we accept regular proposals seeking time on the PXRD2D instrument or on the imaging instrument. You can read more about the PXRD2D instrument here and the imaging instrument here.
To help you design your PXRD2D experiment, we have developed xrdPlanner. Here, you can compare the experimental parameters (sample-to-detector distance, photon energy, beam stop distance) to find the best setup for your experiment. We have described the program in a paper ( A full description and documentation are available on GitHub, and the program can be installed using PyPi: pip install xrdPlanner
Proposals must be submitted via the MAX IV DUO system, however, we encourage interested users to contact the beamline staff to discuss their experiments before submission. When submitting proposals in DUO, please choose ‘Material Science with hard X-rays’ as a research area in order to select DanMAX.
Acknowledging the use of DanMAX
When publishing any material arising from work carried out at MAX IV, you must acknowledge MAX IV and our funders. This obligation applies to both infrastructure personnel and researchers using the infrastructure.
The following acknowledgement statement is to be used in all cases:
“We acknowledge MAX IV Laboratory for time on Beamline DanMAX under Proposal [xxxx]. Research conducted at MAX IV is supported by the Swedish Research council under contract 2018-07152, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems under contract 2018-04969, and Formas under contract 2019-02496. DanMAX is funded by the NUFI grant no. 4059-00009B”.
The XRF detector is on loan from the Birkedal group at Aarhus University, Denmark. Please include the following acknowledgement if publishing data obtained using the XRF detector: “The XRF detector was made available by Aarhus University through grant CF18-0802 from the Carlsberg Foundation.”
DanMAX logo
You are welcome to use our logo for posters and presentations, including data from DanMAX. You can download high-quality versions in black or in white.
Data access and processing
Details about data access at MAX IV and the file structure used at DanMAX can be found under DanMAX data.
Sample preparations and labs
It is possible to do simple manipulation of benign samples (e.g. packing capillaries) at the beamline. If the samples pose any risk, manipulation will have to be performed in a proper chemistry lab. The recommended lab, also the one closest to DanMAX, is the ‘Mini chemical lab’. To book the usage of any chemical lab, please use the following link below and book the lab at least 2 weeks in advance.
To get access to the chemical labs, a face-to-face introduction is required upon arrival. Our lab manager will contact you once the booking is completed and arrange a suitable time for the introduction. The access is valid for one year.
For general information about the biological, chemical and microscopy support labs, please refer to our lab page.
If you want to book a lab directly, you can enter your MAX IV login on our booking site here. Please note that this site requires a MAX IV VPN connection.