Fast piezoelectric valves can be installed to provide short chemical perturbations to a sample in the form of gas pulses. Synchronization of the valves with the delay-line detector (DLD) allows the response of the sample to measured with microsecond time resolution. This capability is new and is offered in collaboration with the beamline staff – please contact us to discuss.
Sample mounting | Omicron plates (as per the solid-gas endstation) on a 3 axis x,y,z manipulator. |
Sample heating | Up to ~550 C via a resistive heater |
Sample preparation | No UHV sample preparation is available. Samples must be prepared outside and transferred via air (or inert atmosphere using the glove box). The preparation chamber in the solid-gas endstation can be used for ex-situ sample preparation. |
Base pressure | ~ 5e-6 mbar |
Time resolution | Limited by the gas pulses (microseconds) and not by the DLD |
Available | Available, but please contact beamline staff before submitting a proposal. |
The figure below shows time-resolved O 1s spectra measured during pulsing CO (around 0 ms) into the flow of O2 on Pt(111) at 320 C. The right panel shows examples of spectra with 160 µs resolution measured at two different time delays.