Declare all safety information in DUO


Users are required to provide all details pertaining to samples, experimental method, bringing along own equipment’s, sample handling and its associated safety risks in DUO. The information provided, will be used to categorize the experiment based on the risks into three (3) categories, namely Green, Yellow and Red Experiments.

It is therefore crucial for information in DUO to be detailed and accurate for safety review at proposal stage. Post declared sample, gases, chemicals and substances will be reviewed to determine the new safety category each time changes are done in DUO. Download attached document Guide to providing safety information in DUO.

Experimental Safety Risk Assessment (ESRA)

Submit your ESRA

The principal investigator will receive the request for ESRA via email from Users are recommended to submit the ESRA as early as possible and not later than 2 weeks prior to scheduled experiment. An approved ESRA is a pre-requisite to start your experiment. The ESRA form can also be found here:, where you login via your DUO credentials.

If there are changes in scope i.e., in the samples, equipment’s and methods of experiment, you are required to inform your local contact and Download attached document Guide to providing information in ESRA.pdf

Update DUO

Users are required to update all samples relevant for their experiment including chemicals  and gases in DUO consistent to information in ESRA. All information must be ready for safety review latest 2-4 weeks prior to the scheduled experiment.



Experimental Safety Approval

The Safety Group will review the ESRA and DUO and define safety risk level categories for each experiment i.e. Green, Yellow or Red. All the necessary safety rules and mitigations will be specified in the ESRA form. that are applicable for your experiment. Please ensure you have an approved ESRA prior to your arrival, failing which experiments can risk cancellation. Email if you have queries or require support.

Complete Safety Test

The safety training is mandatory for gaining access to the MAX IV building. Download the reading materials for your safety test Safety Test Material for Users

Log in to DUO and complete the safety test questions found in the link shown in the picture below.

Safety Test in DUO

Upon completing the safety test successfully, print out a copy of the safety test certificate. Provide the certificate to the MAX IV Reception personnel to get your MAX IV access card issued.

Please take note that the safety test certificate is valid one year from completion, and the expiration date is written out in the system and on your certificate.

Book your access to support laboratories

If you wish to use the biology & chemical support laboratories for experiments, you must indicate it in the ESRA form. The booking can be done via support lab webpage.

Additional Training

Based on the experiment being carried out, you will be notified prior to the arrival on additional training that you may have to perform e.g. laser safety training.


MAX IV Access Card

Please print out your safety test certificate and present it the the MAX IV Reception. The reception staff requires this document to provide you with an access card.

Support Laboratory Access Training

If you have booked the chemical or biology support laboratory, the lab trainer will meet you at the respective support lab to conduct the training. Click here to find more information on the support lab webpage.


Experiments categorized Yellow and Red will go through a gatekeeping process at the beamline prior to start of an experiment. The gatekeeping is a process of reviewing the experimental aspects of a given experiment i.e. Samples, user provided equipment´s, PPE, specific experimental restrictions, safety signage, trainings and risk mitigations etc. as specified in the ESRA and DUO. Any discrepancies in the preparedness may risk delays of an experiment.

Completing experiment

Upon completion of your experiment, ensure all items are secured, waste disposed and samples transported in the agreed manner.

In case of emergency, follow the instructions given to you in the safety test and the introduction at your beamline. Pay attention to the contact person and information provided to ensure you can save yourself from a potentially dangerous situation.

Call the floor coordinators if you require assistance during an emergency.

Floor Coordinator (FC) : +46 (0)46 222 16 61 / +46 73 597 3055

Page manager: Rema Malar Armugam February 13, 2024