Sample mounting (SOPHIE)
In 2024, SoftiMAX will host the SOPHIE end-station from the Swiss Light Source, which also features STXM and ptychography. It will be available for general users, instead of the regular SoftiMAX STXM end-station.
The SOPHIE end-station supports a range of sample holders for the different techniques. In general, the holders support TEM grids and silicon nitride membranes with an outer dimension from 3 x 3 mm2 to 5 x 5 mm2. The membrane thickness should be 50–100 nm, depending on X-ray energy. The membrane sizes should be from 0.5 x 0.5 mm2 up to 1.5 x 1.5 mm2. The following is an overview over the available holders.
Sample holder for standard imaging, up to 6 samples. These sample plates are available at SoftiMAX.
Tilted holder allowing for 0 and 30 degrees sample orientation, sample to be mounted on an Al plate.
Sample PCB for use with the tilted holder. Supports up to 7 RF contacts for frequencies up to 5 GHz. Connections need to be wire-bonded to the sample.
Sample PCB for laminography, which allows up to 2 RF connections and up to 4 DC connections. If electrical connections are used, the rotation of the stage is limited. The samples need to have a 1×1 mm2 membrane with the structure of interest as close as possible to the center. Laminography will be initially available at room temperature, and without any applied magnetic fields
Sample mounting (SoftiMAX STXM)
The SoftiMAX STXM uses metal plate sample holders in 6 and 8 hole variants. The sample holders support TEM grids and silicon nitride membranes with an outer dimension from 3 x 3 mm2 to 5 x 5 mm2. The membrane thickness should be 50–100 nm, depending on X-ray energy. The membrane sizes should be from 0.5 x 0.5 mm2 up to 1.5 x 1.5 mm2.
![Schematic illustration of the SoftiMAX sample holder](https://www.maxiv.lu.se/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/SoftiMAX_sample_holders-1024x568.jpeg)
Experimental data download
Data can be downloaded either using Globus, or via normal sftp. Please contact beamline staff for more information.
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