Photon energy30 - 1500 eV
PolarizationsLinear horizontal
Linear vertical (energy minimum approx. 45 eV)
Circular (under commissioning)
Resolving powerTypically about 5000 (at 400 eV).
Under special circumstances up to 10 000
Spot sizeAPXPS: about 100 µm x 100 µm
RIXS: about 5 µm x 25 µm

More information on beamline optics and experimental stations pages.

APXPS proposal submission.

As there are two complimentary APXPS beamlines at MAX IV, many proposals could be carried out at either HIPPIE or SPECIES. Such proposals can therefore be submitted with a preference of beamline, which is recommended if a proposal would benefit from specific capabilities of either beamline (e.g. photon or sample environment requirements), or without a preference in which case the proposal will be considered for both beamlines.

At SPECIES the APXPS endstation offers to users:

  • Standard ambient pressure cell for catalysis, redox chemistry, etc. research. Maximum pressure about 20 mbar, maximum temperature about 600 C (maximum temperature is gas dependent)
  • ALD ambient pressure cell for ALD-type research. Maximum pressure about 20 mbar, maximum substrate temperature about 400 C
  • UHV sample preparation tools: please see the experimental station page
  • Experimental methods available: XPS, UPS, AES, NEXAFS (partial electron yield mode using the electron analyzer, or drain current in UHV)
  • Infrastructure for wide-ranges of sample preparation is available in the adjacent facilities in the laboratory (Chemistry labsMicroscopy labs).

Fast Access

It is possible to submit Fast Access proposals to both branches at SPECIES. This short-notice proposals and short experiments can be used for both feasibility studies and very short scientific experiments. Maximum 6 shifts (24 hrs) can be allocated for a single proposal. For APXPS endstation, only the standard ambient pressure cell or only UHV measurements are offered for this type of access, and only during certain pre-defined time. Please contact beamline personnel for the current schedule. The cell is provided with full functionality, however, the cleanliness cannot be guaranteed as it is not baked in between measurements.

For information on how to apply for the fast access, please visit Fast Access call page

Fast access time slots are available upon request. Please contact the beamline staff.
Deadline for submissionsAt least 3 weeks before the desired date of experiment

Scanning probe microscopy

If your experiment would benefit from UHV scanning probe microscopy (STM or NC-AFM) of your surfaces, samples from SPECIES can be transferred via vacuum suitcase to an Omicron VT SPM. For more information, refer to the Scanning Probe Microscopy lab webpages. Please also contact beamline staff if this is required for your experiment.

RIXS proposal submission

MAX IV offers two beamlines for research using the RIXS technique. The Veritas beamline offers complementary experimental techniques.

At SPECIES the RIXS endstation offers to users:

  • High-resolution RIXS of solids, liquids, vapors, and gases using the GRACE spectrometer.
  • Techniques offered: RIXS, XES, XAS (Using Fluorescence yield, total electron yield)

APXAS proposal submission

SPECIES is also offering ambient pressure XAS possibilities. Please see this page for more details.

In order to submit a proposals, please choose “APXPS” as the research area and “APXAS” as the endstation under SPECIES beamline.

Data access

Experimental data is generally stored on networked servers. Information on how to obtain the data is available on this website. Please ask beamline staff for more info.

Sample preparations and labs

There are several on-site labs available close to the beamlines, where you are able to prepare samples in appropriate environments.

For general information about the biological, chemical and microscopy support labs, please refer to our lab page.

If you want to book a lab directly, you can enter your MAX IV login on our booking site here.