Here we describe the intent, expectation, application, and evaluation procedure for LTP access at DanMAX using the DK Priority access time.

Intentions of the LTP program at DanMAX:

The LTPs are intended as a way for users and beamline staff to work together on projects on a longer timescale that would normally not be possible to perform under the general user program. The LTPs should both focus on a scientific topic and on the development of e.g. a new technique, user community, software, hardware, etc.

Expectations for an LTP:

  • An LTP must have a deliverable and it must be relevant to DanMAX. This deliverable is not necessarily hardware, but could be e.g.: A new technique, developing a new user community, software, hardware, etc.
  • Stationing of personnel at the beamline (e.g., a postdoc) for part of the proposal period is highly encouraged.
  • The LTP must be discussed with the beamline team before submission.

Procedure for submitting an LTP:

  • Users discuss the ideas and possibility of an LTP with the beamline staff.
  • Users prepare a proposal using the ESRF LTP template.
  • The proposal is submitted to the beamline manager before the annual deadline (end of July) announced on the DanMAX website.
  • The beamline team will discuss incoming LTPs and will forward the supported proposals to the DanMAX steering group.
  • The DanMAX steering group will perform a strategic evaluation of the proposals and approve/reject proposals.
  • If approved, users must apply for beamtime through DUO at the normal MAX IV call at the proposal deadline.
    1. During the first and second allocation round, no justification is needed.
    2. During subsequent allocation rounds, a progress report must be submitted
  • The DanMAX DK PAC is encouraged to review the scientific quality of the approved LTPs and give feedback to the DanMAX steering group. Approved LTPs are forwarded to the DK PAC by the beamline manager.
  • Progress reports are forwarded to the DanMAX steering group by the beamline manager. The DanMAX steering group can decide to prematurely end an LTP if the progress reports and feedback from the beamline manager indicate unsatisfactory progress.

Practical information about LTPs:

  • As the LTP is using DK Priority access time it is only accessible to PIs from DK universities.
  • There will be one call for LTPs per year a few months before the regular MAX IV user call such that incoming proposals can apply for scheduling during the next cycle.
  • Only one LTP can be approved per year, and a maximum of two LTPs can be active at a time.
  • Up to 10 days of beamtime per cycle for up to 4 cycles can be granted in an LTP. The allocation may be split into multiple experiments during each cycle.
  • If beamtime on the beamline is significantly reduced from normal levels due (but not limited) to e.g., mechanical failure of components or detectors, the allocation to LTPs can be reduced proportionally.

LTPs currently running at DanMAX:

  • ‘ExtremeCT’ – development of high field of view and high-resolution tomographic imaging. PI: Henning Friis Poulsen, DTU. (Approved: Fall 2023. Beam time allocation: Spring 2024 – Fall 2026)
Page manager: Mads Ry Jørgensen October 10, 2024