A small lab for sample preparation is located in close connection to the experiment station. You can find the following special laboratory equipment.

BalanceSartorius, 0.001g
Fridge/FreezerATEX/EX classed, -20oC
Fume hood
Glove boxMBraun Labstar, Ar atmosphere, including O2 and H2O analyzers, balance (0.001 g), pellet press, video microscope
Heating cabinetBinder 28 L, 230oC
MicroscopeLeica Zoom 2000, 45X
Pellet pressSpecac 10 ton press, 5 and 13 mm diameter pellets
pH meterHanna 212
CentrifugeEppendorf 5804 R, -9 – 40oC, 0.2 – 250 ml tubes
Ultra-pure waterMillipore, Direct-Q 5, Type 1 water

Additional support labs

Several on-site labs are available for more extensive sample preparations

For general information about the biological, chemical and microscopy support labs, please refer to our Support labs page.

To book a support lab for your upcoming beamtime, you can enter your MAX IV login on our booking site here.

Page manager: Kajsa Sigfridsson Clauss January 31, 2023