FragMAX is a user facility for crystallographic fragment screening at the BioMAX beamline at MAX IV Laboratory. The facility is accessible to Swedish and international scientists from academia and industry. It provides simple workflows for large-scale crystal preparation, data collection and analysis. Users with different levels of experience are enabled to routinely find starting points for drug development. Additionally, the facility is open to support general preparation of protein-ligand crystals. Users are welcome to come to MAX IV to perform their experiments, and FragMAX staff can also support experiments where necessary.

FragMAX information brochure
Get an overview of what the FragMAX facility offers, and learn more about how it works as an all-in-one research tool for crystallographic fragment screening campaigns.
Download the FragMAX information brochure (PDF) here: FragMAX folder.pdf.

Contact us
Please get in touch if you are planning to apply for access, or if you have questions.
Reach out:
- Academic users: Tobias Krojer
- Industrial users: MAXIV industry office