The group is tasked with designing, developing, and improving the accelerators of the MAX IV Laboratory. The group consists of accelerator physicists, laser physicists, and magnet engineers. We work in close collaboration with the Operations, RF, and Engineering Groups at MAX IV as well as with the Division of Synchrotron Radiation Research and with the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. The group is involved in several activities:
- ensuring the operations of rings R1 and R3
- optics calibration and beam based alignment
- control and troubleshooting of feedbacks (SOFB, FOFB, TuneFB)
- ensuring the operations of the LINAC
- collective effect studies
- beam diagnostics
- beam dynamic studies
- determination and implementation of low emittance test optics
- dynamics of R1 injection
- design of the lattice for the upgrade of MAX IV
- RF development
Sara Thorin
Group Manager Accelerator Development
Phone: +46462226678