visits and tours

MAX IV welcomes many visitors from academia, industry, the public sector and the general public throughout the year in order to educate future users, forge productive partnerships, and to foster a greater regard for scientific research.

The majority of these are arranged through pre-existing contacts with various parts of our organisation. Please reach out to your contacts at MAX IV, if you don’t belong to the groups mentioned below.

Industry sector

MAX IV welcomes visits from the industry sectors through our Industry office. Use the form below to connect with our team and explore research opportunities and techniques tailored for your R&D needs.

General public

MAX IV offers periodic Open Days for the general public. Please find information here. If you would like to be informed about the next Open Days at MAX IV, we invite you to register your email to get more information.

Private Groups

Groups of private individuals are referred to our events for the general public.

School Visits

If you are a high school teacher and/or science educator and are interested in visiting MAX IV with your class, you may request a visit using the visit request form below.  Please note visits are accepted as availability allows and are only for students aged 16 and older. Visits are scheduled between 9-13.

Visit Request Form

If you would like to request a visit, please use the form below and someone will be in contact with you shortly. Please note we offer very few tours between weeks 24-38.

    Full name

    Your organisation, institution or company

    Phone number


    For what reason would you like to visit MAX IV?
    To partner with MAX IV on researchTo supplement an academic courseTo receive a general overview of MAX IV (discovery visit)Other

    Is there a staff member you have been in contact with about the tour? Please list their name?

    Which category best describes your group?
    Students ages 15-18Students ages 19 and upUniversity, faculty or staffPotential industry partnerExisting industry partnerScientific organisationPolitical organisationFunding organisationOther

    How many people are in your group?
    1-1011-2021-30More than 30

    Preferred tour language

    Requested date

    Preferred time of day (we would prefer before noon)

    Have you visited MAX IV within the last three years?

    Please share additional information about your group. Include alternate visit dates, research areas or beamlines of interest

    Page manager: Heidi Forssell LaGrasta January 30, 2025