Below are the access modes the FinEstBeAMS beamline participates in, and potentially useful notes regarding what is offered for each:

The standard peer reviewed access mode at MAX IV, offering a single scientific project beamtime. To see if MAX IV has an open call for proposal and when the submission deadline is, please visit the Call for proposals page.

The access mode is only available for the Solid-State End Station. Maximum 6 shifts (24 hrs) can be allocated for a single proposal. A fast-access proposal can only be scheduled in a pre-defined time. In the spring 2023 semester, the possible dates are March 28, April 11, and May 31. Further information about different kinds of fast access proposals can be found here.

The complete beamline setup is available for Proprietary users,  please contact the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office for further information.

Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes.

Page manager: Kirill Chernenko October 23, 2023