Below are the access modes BioMAX participates in:

We offer Fast Access either to determine the sample suitability for further experiments or for time-critical experiments. Please contact the beamline staff for information.

The complete beamline setup is available for Proprietary users,  please contact the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office for further information.

There is no call period for Training and Education (T&E) proposals at BioMAX, but to ensure availability of beamtime, they should be submitted months in advance. Once they are created, T&E proposals are valid for one year. To apply for a T&E proposal, submit the following information to beamline staff:

  1. Title
  2. Proposer (MP)
  3. Principal Investigator
  4. Research Area
  5. FORD Classification
  6. Number of shifts
  7. Abstract

Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes.

Page manager: Ana Gonzalez March 25, 2024