Fortum Waste Solutions, Sysav, Eon, Stena and NOAH, in collaboration with Researchers from RISE and Chalmers, used beamline Balder to identify chemical species of copper and zinc in ashes that remain after burning solid waste. Not all forms of the metals in ashes pose the same risk to the environment. Therefore, more detailed knowledge can increase the possible uses of the ashes.
COOL sustainability more than a pipe dream in Lund
Sustainability measures, when applied intelligently, bolster societal productivity and deliver tangible improvements to the natural environment. Some argue that world economies cannot survive the impacts of business as usual in terms of pollution and high energy demands. In Lund, sustainability in work and life is a consistent aim, and in the most constructive way with COOL DH—the build project for the world’s largest low temperature district heating grid—nearing completion.
Scientists succeed in soaking protein guests into host crystals – a major step towards solving guest structures
A group of researchers have successfully soaked proteins into large protein crystals, marking a hitherto never reported achievement. The X-ray diffraction data, which were collected on MAX IV’s BioMAX beamline, indicate that the guest proteins could follow at least some of the hosts’ structures signifying a so far unparalleled step towards using crystallographic methods to solve guest protein structures. Such insights could pave the way for major advances in biotechnology, material science, and structural studies.
New food-focused theme for LINXS collaboration
LINXS and will run from August 2021 to June 2024. It gathers a range of national and international researchers and industry representatives within five working groups.