Ionic liquids key to sustainable energy storage

…little investigations already done in this field and very little systematic information published. Exciting results come without warning so systematic work must be done for years,” says Dr. Jaanus Kruusma….

MAX IV & partners poised to innovate life science sector

…to come online for User Operation at MAX IV in 2021-22, which will enable several techniques relevant for the life sciences, including spectroscopic methods (SoftiMAX), scattering and diffraction (CoSAXS, ForMAX,…

Other industry sectors

…you access to unique, state-of-the-art research infrastructure and tools as well as expertise and guidance. To discuss your ideas and needs, you are welcome to contact the MAX IV Industrial…

Guide for collaboration with MAX IV

…proposal to the funder and shares it with the Grants Office. The external collaborator and/or MAX IV contact person notify the Grants Office of the outcome of the proposal evaluation….

MetalBeams: Treatment and analysis of LSI data

Welcome to join a seminar about the treatment and analysis of LSI data for the metal industry, discussing data generated from diffraction, scattering, spectroscopy, and imaging and tomography research techniques….

LINXS Science Day on New Materials

Welcome to LINXS Science Day, which this time will focus on the results and impact of the New Materials Theme, as well as give insight on future developments of LINXS,…

Metal industry giant conducts experiments at MAX IV

…have come together with the Chalmers University of Technology as we have no hands-on experience in recreating experiments such as this. Observation with 60 nm beam size Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander,…