User Policies

downloadable documents at the bottom of this page. If you are an industrial user looking for more information, please instead visit the Industry pages. Industry users guide chevron_right Terms &…

Post beamtime

…The following page contains details and instructions on how to proceed. Data format NanoMAX records data as compressed hdf5 files, a binary file type which stores data in a…

Sample Delivery Systems

…of atoms/molecules/clusters. Since the source is shared with other LDM beamlines, it is essential to discuss the availability and status with the LDM team or beamline staff well in advance….

Guide to IT services

…Data Management MAX IV wiki (intranet) VPN connection to MAX IV MAX IV users can access the MAX IV computers from external locations via a VPN connection. Currently, active users with…

Additive manufacturing

…Free preform UV activated resin Build 14x14x17cm Layer 100-25μm Safety constraints Links Ultimaker manual: Ultimaker software: MarkTwo manual: MarkTwo software: Form2 manual: Form2 software:…