HALOS โ€“ A unique collaboration in Life Science

…will result in common key messages and strategies. The focus is on innovation and so-called ‘tech transfer’, researcher mobility and linking business more closely with research facilities. “The previous ESS…

Data access and processing

…files, e.g. scan-####_pilatus.h5, scan-####_falconx.h5, and scan-####_orca.h5. The link from the master file to the detector data is relative, and thus all files must be located in the same folder. The…

Globus Connect for data transfer

…changes to the data directory while transferring and verify that you have read access to all files. 1. Log in to Globus Go to the Globus website: https://app.globus.org/ Select your university/organization…

Enter a purchase agreement

…sign a framework agreement. This does not oblige you to buy more beamtime at MAX IV, but provides the legal framework needed if you would like to do so. The…

Reaction undercover: boosting the potency of catalysts

…certain catalysts may enable greater control of reactions and perform with exceptional efficiency and potent selectivity when the reaction is carried out ‘undercover’, that is, in a confined molecular space….

Living and working in southern Sweden

…from the Greater Copenhagen area. A variety of property types can be found in locations ranging from rural to suburban, depending on your preferences. International Citizen Hub Lund can help…

Engagement in networks

…potential of these unique accelerator based short-pulse light sources. The collaboration is an initiative of the ESFRI projects EuroFEL and European XFEL and includes 15 facilities in 11 countries. https://www.fels-of-europe.eu/…