Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…the experiment There are some recurrent issues at MXCuBE commonly observed by users, described in the MXCuBE3 documentation. As a remote user you may be more likely to fail to…

HPC Basics

…add arguments if required mpirun -n 96 python /mxn/nanomax/sw/CDIsuite/ –path=/data/nanomax/prn20161125/ –file=GIA_sxw.h5 –scan=12 –scratch=$TMPDIR Get statistics on completed jobs Once your job has completed, you can get additional information that was not…

IT Environment at BioMAX

…stored in subdirectories under /data/visitors/biomax or /data/proprietary/biomax for proprietary proposals. The home directory can be used to store files related to the experiments, such as PDB files and processing scripts….

Additive manufacturing

…Free preform UV activated resin Build 14x14x17cm Layer 100-25μm Safety constraints Links Ultimaker manual: Ultimaker software: MarkTwo manual: https://support.markforged*]}*.com/hc/en-us/categories/115000131204 MarkTwo software: https://markforged*]}*.com/eiger/ Form2 manual: Form2 software:

Globus Connect for data transfer

…additional options to select already linked identities. That will bring you to the MAX IV Single Sign On page. Select the “MAX IV Login” button unless you previously linked your…

BioMAX user training workshops

…following the training. Note that is is not a crystallography course! Topics related to crystal diffraction theory and MX techniques are typically only discussed if they are relevant to specific…