Globus Connect for data transfer

…to overcome bad network situations and computers that for one reason or the other are not always available. Prerequisites A computer running macOS, Windows or Linux where you can install…

Inspecting Processing Results using EXI

EXI provides a web interface to the data collection logs and the results from automated data processing pipelines launched after a data collection is complete. A plot showing the number…

MetalBeams online seminar

Welcome to MetalBeams online seminar! Registration is now open. Read more and sign up today! MetalBeams is an initiative within SIP Metallic Materials, run by Jernkontoret, Swerim and RISE, to encourage the use…

CoSAXS Sample Environment

…(not available yet) (under commissioning) Combined spectroscopy and SAXS measurements. 1.5 mm diameter, quartz capillary with peltier heating control. 8. Stopped flow rapid mixing device (not available yet) (under commissioning)…