Two male scientists at MAX IV standing in front of a laptop with focused facial expressions.

Register as a MAX IV user

To conduct your experiment at MAX IV you must register as a MAX IV user. You do this by creating an account in our digital user office called DUO. Read more about DUO in our DUO Guides.

Create your Experiment Session

Once your experiment time slot (beamtime) at MAX IV has been scheduled, you log into DUO and create your Experiment Session.

From your Experiment Session, you can:

  1. Update the list of samples you plan to bring to MAX IV
  2. Add more participants, so that they can:
    • Apply for an Access card
    • Do mandatory Safety training
    • Access Experimental data

Experimental Safety

Before carrying out any experiments at MAX IV you must first take a safety test. This is a mandatory requirement for all users at MAX IV.

For more information about safety at MAX IV please visit our Safety pages or read more about Safety requirements for users.

Sample Shipment

You can ship your samples and equipment to MAX IV in advance. Read more about Sample Shipment.

Protein crystallography experiments

If you are planning to do protein crystallography at our beamline BioMAX, please see our BioMAX user information and read more about how to prepare your sample shipment under dewar shipping.

Proceed to step 4: Conduct your experiment chevron_right