Exterior photo of MAX IV building walls and green summer grass outside.

Talk to us

Reach out to the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office and we will guide you to become a MAX IV user. Together we will decide what analytical techniques you need.

To understand how to best design and set up your experiment, we will arrange a meeting with our beamline staff to go through your challenge or research question in detail. We will look at the size and thickness of your sample, evaluate if a particular sample environment is needed, discuss safety precautions, and find a time to schedule your experiment.

Get inspired

We are collaborating with industry to better meet each sector’s specific research needs and spread knowledge about our services. Find out more about the opportunities we offer your industry sector on the Industry sectors page.

To learn from other industry users and get inspired by previous experiments and studies at MAX IV, have a look at our Industry cases

Explore our beamlines and instruments

What techniques are you interested in? To be able to conduct your experiment at MAX IV your experimental plan and samples must be compatible with the properties of our beamlines (experimental stations) and instruments.

Find more specific information about our capabilities and tools on the Beamlines and techniques page.

Alternative access modes

As an industry user there are several ways to access MAX IV. You can get fast, paid proprietary access, or you can join an academic research collaboration and apply for beamtime free of charge, where you publish your results in a scientific journal afterwards.

Read more about our Access modes or find a research partner at MAXESS Industry Arena.

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