Safety requirements for users

…associated safety risks in DUO. The information provided, will be used to categorize the experiment based on the risks into three (3) categories, namely Green, Yellow and Red Experiments. It…

Beamline development collaborations

…an agreement was reached to initialize the DanMAX project. The DanMAX user consortium combines 48 staff members from five major Danish universities and 17 industrial companies. The academic partners of…

Accelerator Documentation – peer reviewed articles

…of the entire MAX IV linear accelerator Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1003, 165267 (2021) – Published 1 July 2021…

Riverine iron survives salty exit to sea

…sediment. “A very important finding was that the organic iron complexes were much more resistant across the salinity gradient, while the iron oxides aggregated to a large extent,” explained Herzog….

Bacterial biomass conversion for renewable fuels

…studied by Larsbrink et al. were originally discovered in split gill fungi, Schizophyllum commune. Credit @freebiespic. The researchers’ curiosity for bacterial enzymatic action stemmed from several studies characterizing the breakdown…

How to apply

…by the PRISMAS management team based on expertise and experience. The list of selected eligible candidates is handed to the Local Evaluation Committee at the respective university. The committee invites the candidates to a first online interview. As the main Principal Investigator of the…