Guide to IT services

…large amounts of data. Shell access Login to parts of the data processing resources at MAX IV is possible while the proposal is active. Please see the section further down…

MXCuBE3 at BioMAX – User Guide

…samples to the queue. The samples in the queue will be highlighted in blue. To remove a sample from the queue, right click on the sample and select Dequeue sample.

A cloudy route for shipping in the Arctic

…Current international maritime regulations aim to reduce the levels of hydrophobic particle emissions, which typically come from ship diesel engines running on high-sulphate fuels. Hydrophobic particle exhaust forms from incomplete…

User organisations

…Linköping University E-mail: Saroj Prasad Dash, Chalmers University Research profile: E-mail: Rainer Timm, Lund University E-mail: Minna Patanen, University of Oulu Research profile: E-mail: Swedish Synchrotron…

Bacterial biomass conversion for renewable fuels

…enzymology at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. “If more complex and larger substrates could be generated and become more widely available, these would enable, for example, enzyme engineering in…

MetalBeams Online Seminar

…large-scale infrastructure (synchrotron x-ray and neutron sources) by the metals industry. In view of the current covid-19 crisis and consequent travel restrictions, the Autumn 2020 seminar will be online. The…

Conceptual design for three potential new beamlines developed with WISE

…November. Read more and register for workshops WISE Report – MAX IV and WISE – Summary of Existing Capabilities Register for the upcoming imaging and diffraction beamline…

Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

…shipping labels. To import a CSV file, use the link above the parcel pane. Fill the sample information online Click the Add parcel button. Fill up the parcel name (must…

Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability

…beamlines are in place, they need to be stable to perform well. Therefore, we also put a lot of effort into measuring and reducing vibrations throughout the facility. Meet our…