Access modes

…Proprietary users,  please contact the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office for further information. Standard access chevron_right The PXRD2D instrument, Imaging instrument, and associated sample environments are available for general user…

User information AFM

…2023 (See: Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee….

A cloudy route for shipping in the Arctic

…albedo due to soot particles is a significant concern, but the potential negative effects of scrubber washwater and changes in particulate matter with high FSC fuels and scrubbers could be…

High-Temperature Cell

The High-Temperature (HT) / catalysis / general-purpose ambient pressure cell enables photoemission measurements on catalytic and surface science-type systems at mbar pressures at temperatures up to 1000 C. At the…

User Interface at Balder

The page describes some of the graphical interfaces and tools users will encounter at Balder. Only a limited amount of information is provided here for the benefit of prospective/first-time users….

Gas-phase endstation

The Gas-phase end station (GPES), shown in the photo below, has been designed for photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO) experiments of gas phase targets and samples with high vapour pressure [1]. The main instruments…

Sample Environments

…There is also room for sample environments. At this moment there are NO standard beamline provided sample environments. However, plenty of user provided sample environments have been used in the…

Access modes

Users Anton Paar MCR 702 Rheometer with polycarbonate concentric cylinder sample geometry General Users GMW 3480 Electromagnetic, 2 Tesla for liquid samples in capillaries and powder/solid samples General Users Planar…