LINXS XAS-School 2023

Welcome to LINXS XAS-School 2023, aiming to train new or early users to design, plan, prepare, perform and analyze an x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiment at a synchrotron beamline. The course…

ForMAX beamline: What is it and how to apply?

…to ForMAX. Our scientists and industrial users will share their experiences and findings based on the studies carried out at ForMAX. This is a free webinar open to all. Register…

The new MAX IV website

Since the website is newly launched, we keep working to optimize its functionality and content. Please expect errors and use the search bar function should you not find the information…

Microgel properties in X-ray spotlight

…sensitive to for example temperature or pH. Understanding such colloids is challenging due to their heterogeneous structure. A research team from Germany, Italy and Sweden used beamline CoSAXS to investigate…

Beamline optics

…At 48.7 m – CXI: 20 x 20 µm^2 (FWHM, horizontal x vertical) At 43.5 m – STXM: 10 – 100 nm diameter depending on ZP used Flux at sample…