Science and Techniques

…effect, the fact that matter irradiated by photons of sufficiently high energy emits electrons. Information about the sample is determined from the intensity, the angular distribution, and the spin of…


high peak brilliance, the field of pico-second X-ray diffraction has developed rapidly over the last few years. The key technology behind future breakthroughs in this area is the generation and…

Call extension for several PRISMAS PhD application

formulations of biologics, Vitaly Kocherbitov, Malmö University. To application >> Spectroscopic and geometric characterization of high-valent dinuclear metalloprotein intermediates, Martin Högbom, Stockholm University. To application >> Uncovering the thermal and…


…ensure high quality performance. The team assists in optical design, the procurement process, manufacture, installation and commissioning.  We closely follow scientific and technological advances related to x-ray optics. Contact the…

Beamline optics

…(up to 50 μm) by defocusing (M4 – mirror yaw rotation). A smaller beam (down to 5 μm) is envisaged for high-resolution measurements by closing the exit slit. Flux at…

Preparation lab

An extra room is dedicated to the preparation laboratory where the preparation and storage of samples and equipment are possible. In the preparation laboratory, users can find an optical microscope, a…

Controls & IT

Controls & IT, also known as ICT within the Technical Division, are the groups responsible for the control system hardware and software, data acquisition and storage, high performance networking and…


In the SAM team we work with a wide range of instruments and the following are some highlights. Theodolite Theodolite Vibrometer Laser tracker Seismometer Accelerometers Seismometer Vibrometer Good dog Microphone…