Preparation lab

table for preparation and several cabinets (for storing acetone and ethanol, tools and for storing UHV components). The optical microscope is mounted on a dedicated optical table and a highly…

Understanding NUDT15: lessen the efficacy of HCMV treatment

…history of bone marrow or organ transplants. The infection can cause, among others, sensorineural hearing loss among newborns and CMV syndrome. Today, antiviral agents such as Ganciclovir (GCV) and Valganciclovir…


…Globus ID credentials (Either personal or organizational). Note: MAX IV DUO account is not required. High-speed internet connection outside of MAX IV network Make a request to download the public…

Practical information

…IV or 5 minutes by bike. Online food delivery In Lund you can order food through The address to MAX IV main entrance E-building is: Fotongatan 2, 224 84…

Data Access

…to use silx view ( which is available on the control computers. As the area detector data is compressed using a bit-shuffle algorithm, it is necessary to install hdf5plugin (….

SINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffraction

…found in organic molecular crystals, inorganic materials and hybrid organic-inorganic compounds. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction is a routine technique nowadays and the focus of the instrument will be on high-throughput solutions,…

Research done at MAX IV contributes to CIGS solar cell world record

(2024), DOI: J. Keller et al., High-concentration silver alloying and steep back-contact gallium grading enabling copper indium gallium selenide solar cell with 23.6% efficiency, Nat Energy (2024), DOI:…

Big Science Forum 2024

Two-day event gathering business and academic networks, representatives from European Big Science research organisations, and Swedish industry, universities, and research institutes in Lund, Sweden. The event will focus on the…

MAX IV’s role in the Government’s Research Bill

The Government asks a number of referral bodies, including universities, government agencies, and other organisations, to give input and suggestions to their proposed research and innovation politics. Here is a…