…More information on how Lund University processes personal data Next talk in the PROGRAMME: Speaker: Leandro R.S. Barbosa – Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory Session Chair: Fátima Herranz Associated beamline: CoSAXS Abstract: In this seminar,…

Ionic liquids key to sustainable energy storage

The researchers are using the light from MAX IV to investigate the interaction of the RTILs with various electrode materials and voltages to find the limits of the operation without…


The ultrafast beamline facilitates studies of the structure and dynamics of materials. Such studies are of fundamental importance for key scientific problems directly related to programming materials using light, enabling…

Preparation lab

…table for preparation and several cabinets (for storing acetone and ethanol, tools and for storing UHV components). The optical microscope is mounted on a dedicated optical table and a highly…

Biological lab

Overview The Biological lab at MAX IV is the central laboratory facility for the support of life-science synchrotron experiments. The lab complements the sample preparation facilities at different beamlines by…

Experimental station

The MAXPEEM endstation is shown in the scheme above, it comprises two main chambers: the preparation chamber, dedicated to sample preparation and treatment facilities, and the main chamber, dedicated to the analysis…


…can be found with a combination of white light interferometry, Fizeau interferometry and Atomic Force Microscopy. The use of the instruments is not limited to x-ray optics; experiment samples, machined…

New food-focused theme for LINXS collaboration

…Science and Hard Matter. Within these focus areas, the activities of LINXS are organised into Themes that usually run for 3 years and aim to bring research communities together. –…