Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…accessible on your computer while you are connected to the beamline VPN, but will be available on biomax-remote. If you wish to process the data manually during the experiment, connect…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…on the first page (“General”) upon proposal creation: Contact For more information, please contact Daniel Söderberg (Director Treesearch). Transnational access A list of European projects for transnational access that MAX…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

conda install -c conda-forge pymca silx. The conda installation is hosted at Experimental data from NanoMAX is stored in a raw directory. However, the raw data is not readily…

Sample Delivery Systems

A number of LDM sample delivery systems are available at MAX IV (including a molecular jet/cluster source, liquid microjets, magnetron based source for metal particle beams, an aerodynamic lens sample