Experimental station

…emission spectrometer in scania2D-CDR_20141117.pdf. In addition, the SEDS group will in the future provide equipment/cells that can be used at the beamline. CategoryEquipmentDescriptionStatusUser call Detectors Emission spectrometer SCANIA-2D In operation yes Fluorescence…

DUO account creation & login

…this will be used for e.g. VPN connection. If for you are unable to create an account request, please fill in the following file and send it to MAX IV…

Submit a proposal

…CoSAXS MicroMAX STXM SoftiMAX Surface Spectroscopy FinEstBeAMS FlexPES Ultrafast Science FemtoMAX . FORD Classification FORD Classification is used to created statistical material on Research & Development, and is a mandatory…

Pre beamtime

Before submitting a proposal to NanoMAX Contact the beamline staff and discuss the proposed experiment. Mayor points to consider are the method(s) to be used, the nature and the mounting…

D3 preparation lab

The D3 preparation lab is intended for handling of vacuum equipment used in beamline experiments (sample holders, transfer systems, thermocouples, etc…). It is equipped with an optical microscope, spot-welding machine,…

DUO Guides

MAX IV runs a Digital User Office tool, called DUO for short, which is used for several things at the facility. Including, but not limited to: Handling users application and…