Universities and partners

…solving societal challenges. At the beginning of the project, a total of 43 partners from academia, institutes, and industry are committed to the PRISMAS program implementation, training, and supervision of…

Guns and linear accelerator

The MAX IV linac serves two purposes: it’s a continuous top-up injector to both storage rings, but it also accelerates and compresses electron bunches for the short-pulse facility. The linac…

MAX IV – Main

…NanoMAX. New user? Start your journey here Whether your are new to the synchrotron community, or just need to brush up on our deadlines, the User Access pages have you…

Proposal Writing Guide

…followed by a concrete explanation of how the planned experiment will contribute to answering the question. Clearly and concisely communicate what has already been done in this topic, and how…

Results from the Spring23 call for proposals

Please note that due to uncertainties related to the risk of electricity shortage affecting MAX IV user operation, a comparably large number of proposals were put on reserve-list for this…

SCIENTÍFika hosting Dr. Georg Held

…designs and performance and present results of experiments studying industrial and model catalysts in ambient-pressure conditions, demonstrating the research possibilities it offers. We look forward to see you online and…

ForMAX beamline: What is it and how to apply?

…of Treesearch and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation, will start operating in the fall of 2022. The webinar is the first one in the series of online seminars dedicated…


…(https://lab-booking.maxiv.lu.se) SSH and sftp access to HPC frontend nodes, online and offline: clu0-fe-0, clu0-fe-1, clu1-fe-1 (see HPC section) If you find some service missing, please let your contact know. maxiv_visitor…