
MetalBeams workshop on corrosion and in-situ measurements

Industry 13 November 2023, 12:00 - 14 November 2023, 15:00
Gears 1666499 1280

This is a workshop where we will focus on corrosion and synchrotron-based in situ measurements using Large Scale Research Facilities like MAX IV. Day 1 offers a series of interesting talks and presentations. During Day 2, we will walk you through the process steps from a research idea, through experiment planning, sample preparation, measurement and data analysis. The workshop ends with a real-time APXPS measurement at HIPPIE Beamline, where we will study a Ni-based alloy exposed to a corrosive environment.

MetalBeams is an initiative within SIP Metallic Materials, run by Jernkontoret, Swerim and RISE, to encourage the use of large-scale infrastructure (synchrotron x-ray and neutron sources) by the metals industry.

The Autumn 2023 seminar is arranged by Max IV and is in the form of a workshop.

It will be possible to participate online for Day 1.


The MetalBeams Team