Relocation process

…on how to apply for jobs in Sweden and help scheduling a meeting at the EURES office if needed. Please check your relocation package for more details to see exactly…

STM experimental station

…microscope is optimized for resolving atomic arrangement of the surfaces, but imaging on a bigger scale is also possible. Our system is UHV-based (ultra-high vacuum, p<1E-10mbar), meaning that no liquid

Access modes

…should follow the idea of “one good sample, one good measurement”. For details and the fast proposal template check out the general page about fast access proposals at MAX IV….

Designing materials for a circular economy

…smallest details down to atomic resolution. This requires the exploitation of the most diverse analytical methods, involving appropriate combinations of techniques using photons, electrons, neutrons, ions, positrons and the highest…

Honeycomb borophene: myth or reality?

…reactions can be followed and understood using high-resolution synchrotron-based XPS and XAS available at soft x-ray beamlines at MAX IV, especially in combination with STM and DFT calculations,” said Dr….

Beamline workshop

A workshop for beamlines support is available to MAX IV staff after a short training session (see contact details below). It is intended for small and fast mechanical work on…

Submit a proposal

This guide will cover the basics of how to create a proposal and send it in to MAX IV for peer review. We won’t go into all the details, but…