Data access

…are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/. Reduced files are stored in /data/visitors/formax/#Proposal/#Visit/process/.  Each scan will be saved with the name scan-####.h5, where #### is a sequential number. The users need to keep…

ForMAX beamline celebrates 1 year in operations

…beamline is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and Swedish industry via Treesearch, a national platform for research on new materials and speciality chemicals from forest raw materials….

Webinar: Explore the ForMAX beamline at MAX IV

The ForMAX instrument at MAX IV is funded by industrial partners of Treesearch (a national platform for research on new materials and speciality chemicals from forest raw material) and the…

User Interface at Balder

…and conditioning of certain devices/servers. Scan number: The scan number is visible on the top-left corner of the plotting widget. This number is appended to all the raw data and…

Beamline development collaborations

…industry via Treesearch – a national platform for research on new materials and speciality chemicals from forest raw material. The beamline is accessible for both Treesearch members (50%) and general…

IT Environment at BioMAX

…on other machines, and it will not be visible from the beamline control computers or, when transferring files, the sftp server. All the raw data and automated processing results are…

User information

…for renewal of proposals. Do not forget to acknowledge MAX IV and other instruments and software used during the experiment. Raw data sets archived at MAX IV can be referenced…