Open house for Life Science industries

Welcome to an open house afternoon for life science companies at MAX IV. Come to learn about MAX IV and how you as a life science company can make use of…

A cloudy route for shipping in the Arctic

…cloud formation—can increase cloud albedo and extend cloud lifetime or increase precipitation, which shortens cloud lifetime. Based on the study data, the low FSC fuels produced highly hydrophobic particles but…

Inspecting Processing Results using EXI

EXI provides a web interface to the data collection logs and the results from automated data processing pipelines launched after a data collection is complete. A plot showing the number…

First Users at Balder Beamline Seek to Illuminate MXenes

…reveal more significant insights in the bond lengths, oxidation states, charge transfer and how different termination species change adsorption sites at different temperatures,” says Magnuson. Understanding these parameters can bring…

Sample Delivery Systems

…is planned Operational mode Continuous beam Differential pumping Modular differential pumping setup with double skimmer (Cu skimmers, 50 µm – 1 cm in diameter) arrangement and 3 x 67 l/s…