A fuel conversion process akin to photosynthesis

…by the Swedish Research Council, FORMAS, and the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education. Publication Hao Li, Yuchen Shi, Huan Shang, Weimin Wang, Jun Lu, Alexei…

Paper and pulp

…MAX IV Paper and pulp scientists have a close research collaboration with MAX IV through the national research and collaboration platform Treesearch. Through Treesearch, industry representatives have come together and…

A celebration of MAX IV’s beginnings

…MAX IV’s history such as the first ever drawing of MAX I from 1986. It includes a sculpture commemorating the first protein structure solved at the lab using an innovative…

User information

A call for proposal will open February 14 with closing deadline March 6, 2024. For more general information about the call see https://www.maxiv.lu.se/user-access/call-for-proposals/. MicroMAX is open for standard proposals for…

Recruitment process

…to hold a seminar, prepare a presentation or do a case study. A HR representative will meet the candidate to conduct a competence-based interview and provide information about terms of…

ForMAX beamline is now open for experiments

…IV research environment. Through ForMAX, we are laying the foundation for broad, unique competence that enables ground-breaking research within the field”, says Daniel Söderberg, director of Treesearch. “This is a…