Today, MAX IV employees gathered in the reception for a special ribbon cutting ceremony. Displayed prominently for the first time at MAX IV is the silver medal Mikael Eriksson received from Lund University for his decades of work developing the technology at MAX IV Laboratory as a Lund University senior professor in accelerator physics, and Machine Director and Design Coordinator at MAX IV. Mikael’s contributions have established Lund city as a scientific innovation hotspot on the world stage.
Rather than keep the medal, Mikael decided to donate it to everyone at MAX IV to honour their contributions.“ It would not be fair to keep the medal as it is the collective efforts of everyone at MAX IV, hundreds of people, that have contributed to MAX IV’s success,” explained Mikael Eriksson. “So, it was decided to display the medal in the lobby for all to see on their way in to work.”

A visibly pleased Director Charlie Karis was on hand to thank Mikael for his contributions past and present, and encouraged staff to feel proud of their part in the story of MAX IV. “I am very happy to speak about this, Mikael. You are really the key person, the foundation that made the success of MAX IV possible. The fact we were the first 4th generation light source in operation is thanks to your efforts.”
The new exhibition in MAX IV’s reception also features display cases with other important milestones in MAX IV’s history such as the first ever drawing of MAX I from 1986. It includes a sculpture commemorating the first protein structure solved at the lab using an innovative technology designed and developed at MAX IV, as well as stamps commemorating Lund University’s 350-year jubilee and bright future with MAX IV.
The walls at MAX IV are not yet full. As MAX IV grows, we look forward to showcasing more exciting accomplishments and discoveries to come.