Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…to the online HPC cluster from the biomax-remote server via Thinlinc (in the top bar menu, select Applications -> Internet -> Thinlinc client. Use clu0-fe-1 as the server and log…

Using strain to control echoes in ultrafast optics

…showed that the presence of strain sped up the echoes. “With control of the strain we can both slow the echoes or make them faster,” said Angel Rodriguez-Fernandez, now Instrument…

Globus Connect for data transfer

…to overcome bad network situations and computers that for one reason or the other are not always available. Prerequisites A computer running macOS, Windows or Linux where you can install…

Inspecting Processing Results using EXI

…of spots and resolution per image appears soon after data collection is completed. EDNA and fastdp usually run in a matter of minutes and are useful to provide fast feedback…

How to apply

…by the PRISMAS management team based on expertise and experience. The list of selected eligible candidates is handed to the Local Evaluation Committee at the respective university. The committee invites the candidates to a first online interview. As the main Principal Investigator of the…

User information

…(TOF), Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PS) Beam Size 0.2 (V) x 0.2 (H) mm, best: 0.05 (V) x 0.05 (H) mm Energy Range 4.5 – 1300 eV (275 – 0.95 nm) Time…

Sample Delivery Systems

…sampling lens for PM 1 (Aerodyne Research Inc.) Aerosol sampling inlet transmission range 40nm – 1um Critical orifice 100um Manipulator Z-travel 400 mm, XY ±12.5 mm Samples Commissioned with salt…