Beamline optics

The optical scheme is based on the collimated plane-grating monochromator (cPGM), astigmatic intermediate focus and switchable refocusing mirrors. The maximum beamline acceptance is 0.62 mrad x 1.36 mrad (h x…


…extensively by Björling et al. (2020) and by Johansson et al. (2021). Photon flux measured in the focus of the diffraction endstation at 300 mA ring current. Data were collected…

Find your beamline

…methods Serial Synchrotron CrystallographyX-ray CrystallographyXRF Access modes BAG: Block Allocation Groups AccessFast AccessProprietary AccessStandard Access Energy ranges & wavelength 6-24 keV Bloch chevron_right Main science areas Quantum MaterialsSurface Physics Techniques…

Beamline optics

…monochromator and the exit slits are delivered by TOYAMA, Japan and the mirror chambers by FMB, Berlin. Photon energy range (optimal performance) 15-220eV Accessible photon energy range 10-1000eV Polarization Linear…

Simulation and Design

…coherence and resolution. The simulation tools also define the specifications for the opto-mechanics including range of motion, required cooling and vibrational stability. The optical simulations go beyond perfect optics. Simulations…

Safety requirements for employees

…eller annan utrustning (t ex röntgenrör och UV-lampor) som kan avge joniserande strålning. Gravida arbetstagare har laglig rätt att omplaceras till arbete som inte innebär någon exponering för joniserande strålning…

Experimental station

…separators, the magnetic objective, the intermediate optics, the aberration corrector, the imaging optics, the energy analyzer and the projective system. The main characteristics of the endstation are summarised in the…