Dear user community: CoSAXS beamline is performance ready

…V., Weninger, C., Plivelic, T. S., Terry, A. E. & Bjorling, A. Measurement of the coherent beam properties at the CoSAXS beamline open_in_new J. Synchrotron Rad. 28. (2021) open_in_new

BioMAX user training workshops

…auto-processing results in EXI Documentation:  How to prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV Video tutorial on declaring and shipping samples: Inspecting Processing Results Using EXI Tutorial 2. Computer…


…10.1063/5.0076993 open_in_new A. Klyushin, et al. Photocatalytic setup for in situ and operando ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at MAX IV Laboratory open_in_new J. Synchrotron Rad. 30, 613-619, 2023 10.1107/S1600577523002801 open_in_new


…projects are completed in Japan and the USA. 1992 MAX II Construction begins. The new storage ring, which has a circumference of 96 metres, is connected to MAX I. The facility requires…