Data Access

…files are written to be NeXuS compatible. The raw files are stored in /data/visitors/cosaxs/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/ while reduced files are stored in /data/visitors/cosaxs/#Proposal/#Visit/process/.  Each scan will be saved with the name scan-####.h5…

User information AFM

…2023 (See: Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee….

Microscopy labs

…hours/shift, 6 shifts/day, 5 days. As of Spring’23 run the research infrastructure of Microscopy labs at MAX IV is available via self-service booking system. See the guide on how to…


DanMAX is a materials science beamline, dedicated to in situ and operando experiments on real materials. The beamline will operate in the 15–35 keV range and have three endstation instruments:…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…rapid feedback on data quality, while autoPROC and DIALS runs significantly slower; autoPROC performs anisotropy analysis which results in better data in some cases. The output files of the automated…

Aarhus scientists investigate secrets behind mantis shrimp clubs at DanMAX

…University’s Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center. Mantis shrimp experiment, Aarhus University. Credit: MAX IV Laboratory The team of scientists used DanMAX beamline, X-ray fluorescence, and scattered beam measurements to study samples…

Science at Balder

…spectral features; a diagonal cut of the RIXS is the HERFD XANES (fixed emission energy). For more information and references, please see: Pieter Glatzel’s introduction to XAS/XES ( X-ray Emission Detected…

User information

…how to apply for the fast access, please visit Scanning probe microscopy If your experiment would benefit from UHV scanning probe microscopy (STM or NC-AFM) of your surfaces, samples from…