HPC Basics

…add arguments if required mpirun -n 96 python /mxn/nanomax/sw/CDIsuite/XRFCDImapping.py –path=/data/nanomax/prn20161125/ –file=GIA_sxw.h5 –scan=12 –scratch=$TMPDIR Get statistics on completed jobs Once your job has completed, you can get additional information that was not…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…affiliated with a Danish University or a Danish company) can get privileged access to the DanMAX beamline. Process All submitted proposals follow the process for Standard access to MAX IV,…

IT Environment at BioMAX

…from the beamline computers or biomax-remote, but it is possible to log in to it remotely from the users’ home computer. Please refer to these instructions. Unlike the beamline computers,…


…in microsecond time intervals. Thus, it complements already available diffraction and scattering beamlines such as DanMAX, CoSAXS, and ForMAX. Beamline presentation (PDF) OPERA Expression of Interest (PDF) An Imaging Beamline for Materials Science for Sustainability With…

sftp data transfer

…recursively download the whole directory. get -R <dir> Using the “help” argument will give you a list of available commands. sftp help Available commands: bye Quit sftp cd path Change…


MAX IV’s videos and documentary material can mainly be found on our YouTube channel. Do you have a video idea? Reach out to communication@maxiv.lu.se. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78gfeq-yd8g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJkVYMjmoIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WNVWZfLGcM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6YyBSmyt74 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyMf5ayqtbI Watch…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…to the online HPC cluster from the biomax-remote server via Thinlinc (in the top bar menu, select Applications -> Internet -> Thinlinc client. Use clu0-fe-1 as the server and log…