Microscopy labs

…for the period Februari – August 2023 (See: https://www.maxiv.lu.se/users/proposal-calls/) Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to…

Oxygen cycling reveals path to next-gen ferroelectric devices

…sinks and sources of oxygen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSC36sTizJQ Oxygen migration in a hafnia capacitor. Study on ferroelectricity in the journal Science. Credit: University of Groningen Ferroelectricity is a property of spontaneous electric…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…processed with the CrystFEL GUI. To launch it, use the command module load gopresto CrystFEL crystfel Please consult Thomas White guide at www.desy.de/~twhite/crystfel/tutorial.html to learn how to use the GUI….

Aarhus scientists investigate secrets behind mantis shrimp clubs at DanMAX

…University’s Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgn2XEv2zJM Mantis shrimp experiment, Aarhus University. Credit: MAX IV Laboratory The team of scientists used DanMAX beamline, X-ray fluorescence, and scattered beam measurements to study samples…

Science at Balder

…crystals. In Non-Resonant XES, the occupied electronic state is probed. The process of X-ray emission is second order: the atom is excited non-resonantly, a core hole (1s) is created, and…

User information

…could be carried out at either HIPPIE or SPECIES. Such proposals can therefore be submitted with a preference of beamline, which is recommended if a proposal would benifit from specific…

SINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffraction

…found in organic molecular crystals, inorganic materials and hybrid organic-inorganic compounds. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction is a routine technique nowadays and the focus of the instrument will be on high-throughput solutions,…

LINXS Science Day on New Materials

…strengths (and possible gaps) in the fields of energy and sustainability. Speakers connected to MAX IV include Dr Jan Knudsen, Dr Calle Preger, and Dr Thai Pham, and the Director…


…research, including photovoltaic devices, batteries and waste products from combustion, nuclear and coordination chemistry, as well as conservation of cultural heritage objects. Beamline documents Balder Review Report (download PDF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2Aq36Pyr50…