Using strain to control echoes in ultrafast optics

…create localized strain fields. The samples were measured at NanoMAX beamline using a special inverse microscopy technique, tele-ptychography. The Si crystals generated dynamical diffracted wavefronts. From this data, the group…

Targeting weaknesses in quick clays with X-ray data

…building and road repairs. In Dec 2019]}**, the ground abruptly collapsed in the Norwegian town of Ask near Oslo, forming a 600-meter-wide ravine that caused multiple deaths and building destruction. Demonstration

XES data

The first data set collected with the SCANIA-2D X-ray Emission spectrometer during commissioning beamtime 2019]}**-12-11. Emission lines XANES and resonant XES spectra of CuO. The XES spectra were measured at

HALOS – A unique collaboration in Life Science

…from academia, regional development actors, research facilities and industry. The HALOS collaboration, led by the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, includes: Lund University, seven other academic research institutes in…

Joint ESS-MAX IV Science Colloquium: Giovanna Fragneto, ESS

…a strongly-confined geometry [J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019]}**].    The importance of sample preparation and sample environment will be highlighted as well as synergies made possible by co-location of large facilities like ILL

Compensation & benefits

…1 January 2019]}**.) Parental leave – You are entitled to up to 480 days of parental benefit supplement when on parental leave (based on 2022). The benefit is explained to