
…given here. share IT Infrastructure Network chevron_right The network at MAX IV relies on equipment from Juniper. It is essentially based on TCP/IP v4 with a physical separation between machine,…

A toothy temporal map of Arctic climate change

Significant, accelerated signs of climate change have been reported in the Arctic and Antarctic zones, which research shows impact global climate. Scientists are looking at different ways to interpret the…

ESS/MAX IV Online Summit 2022

The pandemic made it difficult to work at research infrastructures due to restrictions on travel and access. But the pandemic also made it clear that Big Science, such as the…


MAX IV’s videos and documentary material can mainly be found on our YouTube channel. Do you have a video idea? Reach out to Watch…

Programme & Partners

for doctoral education and postdoctoral training and the COFUND provides funding for regional, national, and international programs for training and career development, through co-funding mechanisms. Read more about the Marie…

HPC Basics

…dedicated supercomputing centers. There are currently two sub-clusters nick-named “online” and “offline” cluster. The names are referring to their intended usage: The online cluster, dedicated to data analysis during the…

User information

…(See: Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee. If access…

Conceptual design for three potential new beamlines developed with WISE

…November. Read more and register for workshops WISE Report – MAX IV and WISE – Summary of Existing Capabilities Register for the upcoming imaging and diffraction beamline…