
ESS/MAX IV Online Summit 2022

25 November 2022, 09:00 - 16:30
Ess Max Iv Summit 2022

The pandemic made it difficult to work at research infrastructures due to restrictions on travel and access. But the pandemic also made it clear that Big Science, such as the research facilities European Spallation Source and MAX IV Laboratory, are crucial in finding answers to scientific questions in order to develop a vaccine against Covid.

And then, Russia invaded Ukraine and international science was once again a place of turmoil, with many research projects put on hold or ended. As a result of the war, demands are increasing that Sweden and Europe must become more self-sufficient, especially in energy. The need to fight climate change is still ever-present, with a demand for finding new and better materials, products and processes.

This year’s ESS/MAX IV Summit will discuss how the effects of the geopolitical changes in Europe in 2022 have, and will continue to, affect the research ecosystem and the major research facilities ESS and MAX IV.

The moderator of the event is Maria Borelius.

This year’s ESS/MAX Summit is held in Stockholm and broadcasted live on the organizer’s site.

The opportunity to participate on-site is limited but you are welcome to send an inquiry to emk@vr.se.

The Summit will be held in English.