Acknowledgement and References

…(1), 81–93. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2011.06.010 Software included in PReSTO You can find the list of software packages and programs included in PReSTO in the NSC site. Please acknowledge the individual packges that you use. Other…

Conduct your experiment

…on the BioMAX page. Get your research data After you have completed your experiment at MAX IV, you can access your research data online. Read more about data access here. Proceed…

Science at Bloch

…on the A-endstation by an online scanning tunneling microscope for obtaining topgraphic information, while the B-endstation has the notable capability of performing spin-resolved ARPES. Both have dedicated sample preparation chambers….

LINXS Science Day

Welcome to the LINXS Science Day which will focus on early-stage researchers’ science and initiatives.  We will also discuss the LINXS developments and future plans in expanding the LINXS community,…

Honeycomb silicon carbide: a research surprise

…what it means. “Before this work, it was unclear if it was even possible,” Polley said. Read more on the research: Bottom-up Growth of Monolayer Honeycomb SiC (, 2023)…

Data Access

…files are written to be NeXuS compatible. The raw files are stored in /data/visitors/cosaxs/#Proposal/#Visit/raw/ while reduced files are stored in /data/visitors/cosaxs/#Proposal/#Visit/process/.  Each scan will be saved with the name scan-####.h5…

User information AFM

…2023 (See: Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee….

Microscopy labs

…will guide you to the detailed description of the machine(s) and provide with information on how to get access to the particular machine, what are the specifications of the machine,…


…MAX IV general user program. Join the DanMAX User (Google) Group to join the discussions about e.g. data treatment, beamline developments, experimental ideas etc.: Join here! Funders of DanMAX…