Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…XX being the node number. Go to the directory where you wish to store the data and start autoPROC from the command line:process -h5 /’pathto masterfile_master’.h5 autoPROC_XdsKeyword_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_JOBS=5 autoPROC_XdsKeyword_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=8 Make sure…


the computer resources MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…BIOMAX realm (which is reserved for staff). Make sure that you do not have another VPN connection on the same computer. The VPN client checks for updates so at some…

sftp data transfer

…recursively download the whole directory. get -R <dir> Using the “help” argument will give you a list of available commands. sftp help Available commands: bye Quit sftp cd path Change…

Practical information

…to you.   Before coming to MAX IV Here are the steps you must complete before traveling to MAX IV: Your proposal is accepted and scheduled by beamline staff, your…

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

does not depend on any program. Format chevron_right Note: All the fields in the CSV file are case-sensitive Value DescriptionExample Parcel (compulsory) Identifier of the parcel. If it does not…

For students

We offer collaboration possibilities with students from universities. The collaboration can be in many forms, such as part of project courses, master thesis or even PhD. Take a look at…