
…and the transition metal L resonances. To achieve high energy resolution the instrument is fairly large (a total length of approximately 10 m), and to achieve high momentum transfer resolution…


…2017 MAX IV Annual Report 2016 Highlights MAX IV Highlights 2022 MAX IV Highlights 2021 MAX IV Highlights 2020 MAX IV Highlights 2019 MAX-Lab, with the three storage rings MAX…


The Bloch beamline is dedicated to high-resolution angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), for studying the electronic structure of surfaces and 2D materials. Bloch is optimized for a photon energy range of…

High-Temperature Cell

The High-Temperature (HT) / catalysis / general-purpose ambient pressure cell enables photoemission measurements on catalytic and surface science-type systems at mbar pressures at temperatures up to 1000 C. At the…

SINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffraction

…is on high-throughput solutions, offering as much automation of the journey from crystalline sample to solved structure as possible. This high degree of automation ensures optimal conditions to setup the…

Solid-Gas Endstation

The endstation offers the following sample environments and auxiliary equipment: High-Temperature Cell (general purpose) FTIR spectrometer for simultaneous IRRAS-APXPS High-Pressure Reactor for offline catalytic tests or sample activation at pressures…